"Be the change that you want to see in the world." Gandhi

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I want to live here...

Bahia Ballena, Uvita

Finally made it to the beach. 6 hours and 3 bus changes from Coope Isabel to San Jose then another 7 hours and crowded bus down to Uvita. It was so worth it. Ballena is beautiful, hot and the beach is shaped like a whale's tail!

Because I'm on a Peace Corps budget and this place is wicked cool I stayed at Flutterby House Hostel. Tree house bunking and the ocean = awesome!
A plus to Flutterbly is that they are super conscience about how they treat the environment, lowering their eco-footprint and recycling recycling recycling! Just remember to follow this very important rule...

Can I change sites to the beach? So hard returning to reality.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Dear Teachers

Dear Teachers,

I would like to take this opportunity to give you; a high five, pat on the back, shake your hand, hug, bow in honor, curtsy and generally say THANK YOU for all that you do.

After exactly four months of teaching under my belt, I have come to the scientific conclusion that teaching is tough. I tested my hypothesis, followed the experimental procedure and was able to formulate a new law of science which states; teaching is difficult, very difficult.

Each generation depend on teachers to give their children the best education possible and to create bright, creative and successful adults. You are never given enough credit, pay or respect for the monumental task you agree to take on at the beginning of every school year. You are educators yes, but many times throughout the span of your career you also inspire and motivate. You the teacher, motivate students to set goals, work hard and  darn it, hand in your homework! You inspire students to make it happen! To fulfill dreams that were once thought impossible. You work; during the day, at night and on weekends. You plan, grade, organize, glitter, paint, type and bedazzle papers, chalkboards, bulletin boards, posters and classrooms to name a few. All of this is done during your vacation time, sleep time, lunch time and any other time that's considered "you" time, because when you are a teacher "you" time is really "how can I make things better for my students" time. During June you get landed with the classroom that smells funny and a fan that doesn't work. In winter you wear two sweaters to class because budget cuts have forced the school to cut back on non-necessary items like heat during a blizzard. In every group of students you have at least one who is rude, interrupts, distracts or refuses to participate. That student makes you want to pull out your hair, burn your teacher id badge and cry yourself to sleep. But, instead, you take that student under your wing, give them extra help and get them on the right track. During that same student's graduation he or she gives you a big hug after they receive their diploma and head out the door to college. You my friend, are a hero. You are patient, dependable and selfless beyond what is possible and never hear the words thank you enough. Thank you!

I have walked in the shoes of a teacher for 4 months and they wear pointed toe, 6 inch spiked heals as their leisure shoe. I now have blisters. I believe everything I have just written to be true about the teachers who helped me throughout elementary, high school, college and beyond. I hope I can be as generous and hard working as these people are, but I don't know if I'm that strong. Here is to 1 and half more years of retesting my experiment and hopefully coming out the other side in one piece.

I take my hat off to teachers, where would we be without them?

Much respect,

Te Quiero Mucho Teacher.

At least once a week I think about my decision to join Peace Corps and become an English teacher. If I was being really honest, sometimes daily. On the service side of things, I think about that fact that I'm missing my sister's last 2 years of high school, including prom and softball games.  I'm not doing activities that I loved and made me feel like me, rowing for one.  I'm missing a whole bunch of things, with a whole bunch of people I love, who live thousands of miles away. I have doubts about the one thing I was so sure, so excited and worked so hard to get accepted into. I talked about Peace Corps non-stop before my departure with anyone who would listen. So why am I having this internal struggle...I got exactly what I wanted. With regards to my career, I'm a first time teacher. No teaching degree, no experience, working in three (count them... THREE) elementary schools. I organize, I plan, I make, I teach first through sixth grade and its hard, so hard for me. I struggle. I get tired. Sometimes I get lazy and just don't want to plan. Most time I don't even know if I'm enjoying what I'm doing, is teaching for me? Lots of time the answer is no.

Then little, tiny, quick as lightening moments happen with students and it completely turns me around again.

The most recent quick as lightning moment happened at Escuela El Carmen. I ride my bike to the school, about 20 minutes outside of my town. It is the poorest of the three schools I teach at. The schools is set up much the same as the others- two classrooms, bathrooms and a kitchen. There are enough desks and chairs for students but all other resources are scarce. I have to say, out of all three schools, I enjoy myself most at El Carmen. It is the best fit for me and I can't put my finger on why, it just worked out that way.

This past Thursday I was giving a lesson, my second to last for the day. I was giving the second graders a lesson on weather in English. (Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy) To have a little fun with learning I decided to make a weather dice. I gave each student a piece of paper that had an outline of 6 connected boxes, some of which had white tabs. Inside each box was a picture of one of the types of weather. Students colored the pictures, then cut out the connected boxes, folded and then glued the tabs in order to make the weather dice. Once finished gluing, the students tossed the dice and repeated the English word that corresponded with the picture face up.

During the gluing and cutting part of class, one of my students came to show me his dice. I said my usual praise of "what a good job! I love the colors you used, so creative!" before he turned to sit back at his desk he passed me one of the scraps of paper used to make the dice. As I was opening the paper another student came to show me their work as well. Daniel jumped in front of the other student and said "no, this paper is only for you." So I waited to open it. When all of the students where at their desks playing I opened my secret note from Daniel. It read, "Te quiero mucho," with hearts and a picture of a girl (which I assume is me). It was short, done on an impulse with scrap paper, but it made my day. No one told him to write a note, he just decide to draw a quick picture and say something nice. I'm sure he doesn't know I'm blogging about his small gesture or that he made me happy and impacted the how I was feeling about teaching at that moment. To be honest Daniel made me feel reassured of my decision to join, happy with being a teacher and that I was wanted. All of those feelings from this little boy who decided I was a nice enough person to receive a "te quiero mucho" note. 

Up until yesterday I was not happy with teaching. I'm not sure why that particular gesture changed my perspective, but it did. Since I began teaching students have given me positive comments that made me feel good, but didn't change the fact that I wasn't enjoying what I was doing. I don't expect to be fully in love with the job everyday (its a tough job). I don't know if teaching is my longterm path, but for now I fully enjoy visiting El Carmen and am so happy with being a teacher at that school.

Thank you Daniel for getting me out of my funk, doing something kind for someone else, and being the cutest darn second grader I know.

Book Donations! Please and Thank you!

Greetings from your favorite Peace Corps Volunteer,

As you all know, I am serving two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Costa Rica. I was accepted to the TEFL or Teaching English as a Foreign Language program and have been living in Costa Rica since October. Currently, I work in rural Northern Costa Rica at three elementary schools and teach grades 1-6. These students are receiving English classes for the first time. So exciting for the kids and schools! 

The Challenge: These schools have basic materials and little funding to meet the needs of their students. Forget about English resources, there is nothing. I spend a majority of my time preparing for class by drawing, writing and making all materials for my students. 

The Need: Children's Story Books! This would be an amazing tool for teaching English. I am looking for book donations from friends and family who have outgrown their books. All types of children's books would be greatly appreciated!! I plan to take themes from books and create a more interesting fun lesson out of the stories. For example: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," I could use that story to teach days of the week, numbers, colors and food. 

The Sad Factor: Children don't read for fun. There is no reading circle during school, bedtime stories at home, or book clubs during vacation. Books are expensive, many families can't afford to purchase them. As a result reading for fun and to promote learning is non-existent. I made a small picture book, complete with illustrations, for a 1st grade class to teach numbers 1-5. While reading the children where completely focused. They laughed when I spoke in funny voices or made silly faces. At the end of the story, I asked the students what was their favorite book to read? No response. Through a little more talking I found out that this was the first story book that had ever been read to the students. It made me so sad, because I loved bedtime stories, especially when my parents read to me. I still remember my favorite books and can't wait to read them to my own children one day. This is why I would love to incorporate books into my lessons. Firstly, to show that reading is FUN! Secondly, to use as an English resources and something I can leave behind that the children can continue to use after my two years of service.

Books: These are just ideas...I will gladly accept and use anything you find to donate. THANK YOU!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
The Rainbow Fish
Anything by Dr. Seuss
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
The Little Engine that Could
5 Little Monkeys
Good Night Moon
The Story of Ferdinand the Bull
Tikki Tikki Tembo
Guess How Much I Love You
The Berentstain Bears

Any book, all books would be an amazing gift for my students and something I know they will love.

If you find books you are willing to donate they can be sent to my mom or myself. If you are interested in donating please email me! I will give more details and contact information for send the books.

My email: julianne.davis23@gmail.com
